Main category -
Sub category - Productivity
Developer - Gennubi
Filesize - 60518
Title - NubiDo
1 Month - $7.49
ExperCom offers the Apple Mac Pro 8-Core 2.4GHz Xeon Workstation, model no. MC561LL/A, upgraded with 16GB RAM and three years of AppleCare for $3,879 plus around $22 for shipping. (That’s $597 less than what Apple charges for the same configuration.) It features two Intel Xeon 2.4GHz quad-core “Westmere” processors, 16GB RAM, 1TB hard drive, SuperDrive, ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB video card, Apple Magic Mouse, Apple Keyboard with numeric keypad, and more. Deal ends September 6.
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* 0.5x-2.0x playback speed control.
* Added the Auto-Organize and Select-All options to the right-click task menu.
Best for OS X
| 58097 kb |
for 10.12.4
| 62938 kb |
New OS X
| 58097 kb |
SimpleWeek is a mobile task management app. It features task rollover features that automatically move unfinished daily tasks to the next day. It also supports recurring tasks that occur on a set time frame, as well as visually-based task priority setting. SimpleWeek allows mobile users to easily create text with useful elements like bold and italic text, as well as links to other tasks. One more helpful feature the program offers is the ability to create custom lists of related tasks.
Arthur Shi
(58702 kb) NubiDo ver. 5.3.5 K39C 6.0.0 iMac
About AppShopper
Introducing NubiDo, a beautiful task manager that's exceptionally simple to use, yet offers the functionality needed to manage complex projects.
To-Do List Software can really help you stay organized. The software helps you get things out of your head and into it, helping reduce your stress. Some of the software even offers collaboration, allowing you to complete tasks with anyone on your team.
NubiDo (free) download Mac version
If you have any questions or need any further information email us at
SmS NubiDo
Best El CaptanSoftware
NubiDo ver 6.6.4 CbUyNK6.2.1
OS XFree
ver. 6.4.1 NubiDo gsJb8.6.6
MacOSvers.6.6.4 NubiDo sd4OHY
Updated 10.14.1Get
NubiDo 6.6.1 ZQLP6.6.7
Featured for iMacFree
NubiDo ver. 6.6.3 mB7RJ5.3.6
Updated El CaptanApp
NubiDo ver. 5.3.5 x1Qbp6.6.9
10.12.4Best! version
(10437 KB) 1.1.4
Best iMac
(59582 KB) 22.3.4
Recomended iMac Pro
(54067 KB)